A smorgasbord of walks coming up
This time last year we were about to launch our ‘Slavery and the City’ walk, not knowing that thanks to the amazing people at Open House it would be the most popular thing we’d done to date. We’ve been really proud to deliver it and thrilled that we get to do it for Open House again this year. If you’re one of the 96 people who managed to get one of the free places, congratulations and we’ll look forward to seeing you. But don’t despair if you didn’t as we’re delivering the walk several times between now and December. Just check out our ‘Walks’ page where you can also see lots of other great walks delivered with flair and love by Six in the City. Why not join Jane and hear about some dark tales of ‘Order and Disorder’ or get an ‘Introduction’ to the City’ from our very own City-resident, Eamonn. If Gardens are your thing then The City has some lovely spaces that Courtney can tell you all about. And as for our newly-qualified Blue Badge Guide, Caroline, well she can tell you some ripe old tales in Southwark. We hope to enjoy your company soon.
Finally, we hope that you like The A smorgasbord of walks coming up page and our other news pages. Can we request you to visit our London Walking Tours Blog to get regular updates on different tours of London city? Similarly, visit our Instagram for London City Tour Photos